FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Where are you located?
Our headquarters is in southern Nevada where we operate 5 days a week throughout all seasons of the year.
Can you tell me more about your organization?
Absolutely! Please visit our about page.
Are you a charity?
We are a for-profit company that uses subscription funds to run all aspects of Earth Tomorrow. We sponsor multiple non-profit and state-run agencies that are committed to conservation efforts. By focusing on what we do best--spreading awareness on the issues--we are able to empower local agencies around the world to go above and beyond.
While these groups are largely underfunded, they do amazing work--and that's where we come in to make sure they have everything they need and more to get the job done.
Can I volunteer to help plant trees?
In previous months we have hosted volunteer events to plant trees and clear pollution from conservation areas. While we do not currently have any on the calendar, we are planning a full schedule for 2019 and beyond. As a new company we are always looking to make a greater impact, so there's always room for new ideas and improvements.
What if I have more questions?
We would love to hear from you! Please use our contact form to reach us.